Monday, January 31, 2011

First Salary..!!!

Today,i will get first gler,nk buad ape dgn gaji to haz?ahha..belanje owg ker?to cter kedua laa beb..coz rmai gler da payung aq nie..dowg nie xde keje lain ker..time masyuk ckit nk payung2...bengang je aq dgr..hehhe..if nk $$$$ g laa keje kn..dok umh ape dpt..makan tido makan je keje kowg...!!!
first thing dpt gaji,cmferm laa diri sndiri dlu kn..overall,cm2 bnde aq nk beli nie..but x kn nk abs kn gaji 1 ary kot..hehehe..kne laa simpan ckit kn...utk kepentingan peribadi jgk..maybe esk hang out with my frend..i want buy t-shirt,sweater n watching movie..mmg syok laa dpt duit byk2 nie...nk abs kn duit pon senang jgk kn..satu ary pon leh abis...!!!so kne laa pdai bjimat cermat..jgn mbazir okay..
Actually..ary nie dpt gaji,ary yg paling boring n bosan kot dlm bulan 1..pagy2 lagi da ujan..mule2 cm mls je nk g keje..tfy pegi jgk nie x suke ponteng keje...produktivi n attitude kne jge meyh..baru owg yakin kt kite right..hehehe...but da smpai tmpt keje rase cm mls je nk buad keje do..if x buad keje nti,manager bg warning later plax! x psl2 je aq kne kn..relax suda...yelaa,cube kowg pkir..time sjuk2 nie baik g tido kn...nk buad keje pon xde mood..klakar gler kot...mber2 pon msok aer...!!! thing,okay laa jgk keje kt popular...coz smua snior kt situ frendly..satu kpale,x laa bosan sgt...mlm nie nk g lpk..mkn kt luar laa ngn mber2..lme x lpk same2..coz masing2 bz keje je kn..time dapat gaji laa leh payung2..;)hehehe.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

i love you more!!!!!!

First day that I saw you thought you were beautiful
But I couldn’t talk to you, I watched you walk away
And it felt like I spent all of that second day trying to figure out what it was that I should have said
Third day saw you again, introduced my friend, said all the words I wanted to
On day four and five and six I don’t know what you did, but all I could think about was you

Thought I couldn’t want you, more than I did before
But everyday I love you a little bit more
Find myself asking what are you waiting for
Coz everyday I love you a little bit more

Days they turn into weeks, that’s how good this has been
Still I can’t believe the way this first year has flown
Still you catch me by surprise, when I look in your eyes
When you turn and say that you love me

Thought I couldn’t want you, more than I did before
But everyday I love you a little bit more (and more)
Find myself asking what are you waiting for
Coz everyday I love you a little bit more

(And more)
Love you more


TODAY penat gler..x tahu nk ckp ape..da laa flu n fever lom baik lg da kne g keje...smlm half day..mkn ubt trus tido..x tahan sgt..demam ttp demam keje ttp keje laa khidupan sekarang...hahaha..popular tgh buad sales utk chinese new year nie...very2 bussy right now..kesibukan keje..smpai aq xde mse nk msj my so sorry dear,i hope u will understand my situation..i miss you so much bby..!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Miss you

you're always in my heart,here and everywhere,these is no one in the whole that makes me feel this way..when i close my eyes you're by side a thousand miles cant keep us apart
yours tender words serenade my heart and you keep timing..see i've traveled around the world i hope, i and you always be together!!!!!!

Part Time Work

Yeahhh..,the most bautifull day coz saat d nanti2kan utk aq mcari keje part time..lastly,mbuatkn not believe thats's coz start dari ary nie aq kne blajar bdikari sendiri  right..hehhe...x laa lame nk cary keje,2 hari je g interview,,merata tmpt aq jln..biase laa mule2 nk sesuai kn dgn khidupan baru kn...lps abs sch ..firts interview aq n mber2 g interview kt kenny rogers...cara manager to ckp cm aq dapat nie byk dia nk bg aq kt bhgn custemer service...hahhaha..mmg lawak laa mane laa pdai nk ambik2 order nie malu ckit...bile di fkr kn balik..if keje nie susah jgk..coz custemer is always right..susah laa cm to kn...npk nyee kne pkr 2 kali laaa sbelom buad decision kn...hehehhe..last2 aq n mika buat kptsn g cari keje kt the garden...tmpt privacy ckit...hehehe..kowg nk interview kt butik mark n spanser...kteowg isi form,n then dia kte tggu 1 ary..tggu pnye tggu...x call.. so x yh laa tggu lg kn...hehehhe...last choice,aq g interview kt popular relax..lps isi form..straight nie laaa bru gmpak...gaji pon boleh tahan...x sgke aq kn...4.1.2011 da start keje...hahhaha..berbalik kpd cerita kenny rogers to..time aq nk g keje kt popular pagi to...manager to call aq...mmg best kn dia kte aq leh start keje skunk...sila dtg kul 10pg kt sorang je dpt...x de geng laa beb...baik aq keje popular book je kn...lg senang...keje kt popular x laa susah sgt...okay laaa..tfy ary2 asyik tgok buku je..da naik jemu aq do...pape da buad kptsn kne laaa trus kn manager kenny rogers im so sorry...i can not work with you..!!!!!

Lalalala kerja hari-hari kerja..

to laa kisah hidup aq sekarang bz gler dgn keje,nk buad cm ne dok umh pon bored ohh...xde keje nk baik g keje kn..dpt laa jgk hasil nyee...hehehe,btw,hari2 balik mlm nk msj my honey pon kdg2 coz xde mse meyh...cmferm blik keje pnt kn..time to sleep je laa...hehehe,hope dia paham laa situasi aq skunk...tfy best jgk keje ade bnde leh buad dari melepak n hang out je...ape dpt if kuar cmferm duit abs laa dunia skunk...bile da keje kt popular kowg phm2 je laaa..naik jemu kot tgok buku je...slmt laa byk cerita kt situ leh laaa bce2 ckit...hehhehe....if buku to leh ckp cmferm dia kte"haz ko x pnt ker susun aq,ko x bored ker kerja kt sini...if buku leh ckp cmferm aq x balik umh aww...nk buad cm ne..buku da jd teman aq skunk,so x yh laa jlez k...hehehehhe...overall,okay laa da 3 minggu aq keje kt popular...manager pon alright..supervisor pon okay...leh join sekaki...heheheleh borak2 time nie laa baru sempoi kn...if manager yg srius cmferm aq da kne amaran kn...dia igt aq tkot ker..silap owg laa..hehhe...pape pon aq keje kt popular x lme pon juz 4 bulan pon contract...coz pas nie aq nk cntinue stdy laaa,hidup kne laa ade hala tuju kn...bru cerah mase dpn right...misi hidup kne ade beb,kne bljr sungguh2 baru dpt good future...lastly,aq x sbr nk tggu gaji ptame aq...pehhh mmg best laa dpt pgang duit byk2 nie kn...time to go shopping laaa...bru laa best!!!!!;)

Learning Driving Licence


This day,i learning driving licence at IMKEDA..hahaha..mmg lawak kan..abs je exm smua nk g ambik lesen..da jd TREN laa plax kan skunk nie...okay laa to..drpd xde lsen suke suki je tunggang moto or kete tanpe lesen..x leh blaaa kn...hehehe...Btw,mber2 aq smua da ade lesen L n P..haz ko bile lg nie..??adoyaiii...ckp senang laa,tggu laa der gua bru je msok class 5 jam to..relax2 laaa dlu..mase byk lg mase kn...hehehe..first time,aq g class 5 jam to..dgr ceramah..mmg bosan kot...rase cm nk tido pon ade jgk..yelahh..pagi2 lagi da tggu owg yg nk bwk aq to...janji cm macha ohh..kte kul 8pg..dia dtg ambik aq kul 9.15pg..cube ko kire bpe lme aq tggu..if tggu awek x pe laaa jgk kn...ehhehe...sbr je laaa kn,..
Mule2 mmg x best,boring gler...time sesi respect gler ckgu to..byk tips dia bg n then pdai buad lwk..bgus2..ade bakat kte kn...hehhee..bdk2 yg dtg class nie x laa bored sgt...tfy2 kdg bajet pon ade jgk ckgu nie...mtg2 dia pgawai bhgn JPJ..boleh laa ckp cm to kn...hehehe...bile da dgr ceramah to insaf pon ade jgk ohhh...haz ko pnh buad slh ker?of coz laa pnh,aq bwk moto g highway tnpe lesen slamber je...hehehhe...ape nk jd laaa,suke aty ko je erk?? psl laa aq kne ambik lsen..gua x nk jd rempit doo...kang mati sia-sia je...hehehe..ksian owg yg syg kt aq kn...btw,bile da dgr ceramah time to laa korg akn pkr ptot ker aq menunggang xpe lesen???..x ptot ambik laa lesen k..mberi ksenangan tok dri sndiri jgk kn...byk jgk laa ilmu yg aq dpt kt situ...tfy yg pling yg pling mude kt situ...waaa,so bangge laa,,, kn...yelaaa..lepasan spm kate kn.....hope pas nie lulus laa ujian computer(L)..pas to,everything i can doo..!!!!!!!! come aq da ade lesen L kereta...yess,epy glerr2...act pas nie nk tggu dpt P plax....pas to kte enjoy laaa...hahaha;D


Holiday At Awana Kijal Resort

Pehh!!!..saat yg di tunggu2 mmg excited gler nk g oliday..coz family aq da plan lme daa nk g sini..tggu aq abs exm kn..lastly,everything is,time to spent with my family..have a fun oliday..okay kot sty kt sane 4 hari 3 mlm..mmg best laa,sape x nk g oliday kn..dpt laa aq rhtkn diri..setelah sekian lme perah otak sampai naik pening kpale d buatnyee..hehehe...yelahh,spm victims kate kn..time2 cam nie laa dapat mgeratkn lg kasih syg dgn family..hehehe...tapi yg x best nyee,time aq pegi sini,aq x dpt mandi laut laaa coz ombak kuat glerr..biase laa aq dtg time musim tngkujuh..mmg xde pluang laaa kn..relax laa derr!!..swimming pool kn ade..hehehe..okay laa too...keje aq kt sane snap pic je laaa,coz background kt sane smart jgk ohhh..!!!byk jgk laa knangan  aq kt sini, ade bnde yg plix2 aq dgr..biase laa tmpt owg kn...tfy aq buad bodo je laa...ape yg aq tahu hotel yg aq pg nie da 15 tahun,bunyi yg plix2 to da jd lumrah khidupan buad staff2 kt sini...hehhehe...laut to pon leh thn  gmpak jgk..coz da byk owg mati dia telan,hehhee..ombak n angin mmg kuat gler..if mandy jgk..mmg cari pyakit laa kn..cmferm x timbul2 laaa jwb nyee..hehehe!!!...hope i will come again next time